Mar 8, 2003

Oh a raving I did go. I believe I’m about to die, every muscle in my body is about to give up and desert me. The quasi rave club experience was awesome, C4 gets mad kudos for ‘dragging’ me to it. Bonner also receives extra credit for an assist.

There are many fun things about raves, but you have to be there I guess. Watching the people who paid 15 to sit and watch, while in addition not drinking. There’s also the first time rollers who are absolutely mesmerized by any glowing movement, or anything glowing that they think is moving. Cell phone junkies cupping hands over their ears to talk to only God knows who while in the middle of a dance floor. Sex crazed youth prowling for something to grind against, people gasping for air after vigorous dancing through paper wrapped tobacco.

There’s many sights to be seen, and there’s something cleansing and releasing about moving without thinking. You simply let go, listen, and go with whatever you feel. It felt like something out of a drug movie, but in a good way. I’ll probably go again, you should come with me. I’m going to go sleep for three hours and then wake people up to sell them alumni directories. Once again, feel free to cuss me out if it’s your house.

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