Oct 9, 2003

I was looking through my archives today and a stunning realization hit me, as they are often prone to do, especially as the night wears on. The realization was that I used to write! I used to write every other day or so. That’s a crazy thought. What’s also interesting is that my writing took a serious nose dive in February. Hmm. Perhaps I found something much more worthwhile.

Tonight I am supremely happy, for reasons which cannot all be explained at this time. Working out always puts me in a good mood, and I once again identified myself as a bachelor at Wal-Mart. I went to the checkout counter with only a weight set and a bottle of shaving cream. Both of these items make me extremely happy however, with some underlying expectations. I am hoping to use the weight set on the weekends, since as of now I only work upper body two days a week and lower body two days a week, and I’ve been told that’s not very effective for building. The shaving cream is for extra sensitive skin, and due to either sensitive skin or the shaving skills of a six year old, my neck ends up bleeding far too much. I’m eager to see how both of these items improve my life. I just realized how boring this paragraph is, and I apologize.

I’m eagerly working away at a new website which I’m setting up. I’ve finally grasped the basics, and I now realize I need to learn more about CSS, JavaScript, and CGI before I can do much of anything with it. You can watch the progress, painfully slow as it will be, at www.themisfiringneuron.com.

I’m now a little nervous about the situation at work that I left today. I was given a job by my boss’s boss’s boss, and I completed it and left for the day, right on schedule. Isn’t it funny how innocuous things can seem right before they blow up in your face? The complicating details include the fact that the VP who gave me this assignment thought that when I had completed it, I would have given her the necessary details to explain something regarding the budget. As it turns out, completing this task only exposed the fact that nobody understands the software we’re working with fully, except for the one man who built it.

This software we’re working with is the software I’m hoping to help replace in the next couple of months, it’s a budget model that tries to help predict the budget for the next year. There’s some doubt as to whether or not it should be replaced, and incidents like today will hopefully clarify the situation in the right people’s minds. We need to replace this software, and quick. So in order to get the information the VP needs, I have to meet with this one person who built the old software, and I can’t meet with him until tomorrow. Anyway, hopefully I’m not in trouble for not sitting around worrying with the crew today. Maybe I’ll write about any drama caused by it tomorrow.

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